Sales of environment-related systems and products

There are problems that can be
solved by proposing and introducing

We took on the problems relating to the environment early on and broadened the
scope of proposals we made to our customers. We are able to sell a wide variety of
products that are gentle on the environment, and to propose the introduction of
systems that have a lighter impact on the environment.


We can offer customers the best cleaners from among a wide range of cleaning
agents, such as those that have a low impact on the environment, to support the
demand for products that are safe for the environment.

Cleaning systems

We can offer cleaning systems that are gentle on the environment, such as various
driers, liquid honing, dry blasts, and screen plate cleaning, and others.

Oil-water separators,
recycling systems

We offer a wide range of systems and products that focus on the reuse of solutions
and oils. These include systems like oil-water separators, and filters to floating-oil
recovery systems, and waste-solution/waste-oil systems.

Drainage treatment agents
and water treatment agents

Because of our deep understanding of drainage and water treatment, we are able to
offer our customers the best plant-drainage systems, boiler compound, and
scale-remover agents from among a broad line-up of products.

Industrial waste treatment

We offer systems that properly treat all types of industrial waste, including
combustion residue, polluted sludge, waste oil, waste acid, waste alkaline and waste

  • Click here for research &
development inquiries
  • Free advice for reducing costs Reduced running costs for water and oil New purchases Maintenance costs Disposal ISO14001 Certification Consult with us here
  • Call for recycled systems Our customers are looking for new recycling methods. Click here for companies that develop and manufacture recycled systems.

  • Manufacturing and Sales Divisions
  • Automobile and machine related parts
  • Testing and analyses
  • Sales of environment-related systems and products
  • Sales of general equipment for research
  • Maintenance
  • Petroleum-product sales
  • Sales and storage of hazardous substances
  • Office furniture sales
  • Automobile Business Division
  • Commercial car inspections Techs Otsuka